
Working with schools, colleges, academies and other institutional entities in the private and public sectors.

Project Detail

Strong Rock Christian School

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The success and safety of the students is the most important element at Strong Rock Christian School and that is what Falcon Design Consultants kept in mind while designing the SRCS Campus. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation were among the top design elements of the campus plan as well as providing the students with the best in athletic and multi media facilities. Falcon Design was hired to consult on all services related to engineering, surveying and construction on this development, from rezoning to as-built surveys.  We were responsible for the design of all the athletic complexes on campus as well as the parkway which was built to access the school.  Overall this school has provided a unique characteristic to the city of Locust Grove and brought an explosion of growth to the area.

Recreation Facilities:

  • Synthetic Turf High School Stadium
  • Three Practice Fields (Soccer/Football)
  • Two Baseball Fields and Softball Fields
  • Practice Facility Playgrounds
  • Outdoor Classroom Theaters
  • Outdoor Amphitheater

Along with the design, FDC also consulted Strong Rock Christian School during the construction phase of this project.  Everything from survey staking to product selection was overseen by Falcon Design.  All in all,  this campus gives the students at SRCS the best chance to be the most successful as a student and also as an individual.


Providence Christian Academy 

Engineering and surveying for athletic complex including traffic study and analysis for roadway relocation,  topographic survey, right-of-way plats, and construction plans. The project master plan included baseball fields, six tennis courts, football stadium, parking, storm water facilities, and a two-story multipurpose building with concession, locker rooms, meeting and office space, and public restrooms. The football athletic field was designed with synthetic turf and customary track and field facilities. The FDC Team also provided construction staking and as-built plans required by the City of Lilburn and Gwinnett County.