Hogansville Tower Trail Phase V Now Complete!

  A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held this week for Phase V of the Tower Trail! Falcon Design Consultants provided survey services, civil design and construction management for the project. Phase V of the trail was approximately 830 LF and included a 230 LF boardwalk section that is ADA accessible and provides connectivity for the trail...
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Celebrate National Engineers Week

Falcon Design Consultants would like for you to help celebrate National Engineers Week! Founded by NSPE, Engineers week (February 21-27, 2021) is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. National Engineers week was created in 1951 by the NSPE (National Society...
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Clayton County Bark Park Grand Opening October 31st

(Above Photo Credit: Clayton County Parks and Recreation) The Clayton County Parks and Recreation Department will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the District 3 Bark Park on October 31, 2020. Falcon Design provided surveying services for this project. The dog park provides “off – leash opportunities for pet owners and includes play amenities for pets.”

Falcon Design Now Provides Professional Arborist Services

Falcon Design Consultants now provides professional Arborist services. If you have a concern about your tree’s health, you may want to contact us for assistance. Arborists are certified professionals who care for trees and other wood based plants. An Arborist is trained in the art and science of planting, caring for and maintaining trees.

Falcon Design Provides Surveying, Hydrology and Roadway Design for Western Parallel Connector

Falcon Design has been providing the private developer of this project with surveying, hydrology and roadway design services. This project is scheduled to begin construction in 2022. The Western Parallel Connector is making progress after the state of Georgia and Atlanta Regional Commission have awarded $44.1 million to Henry County for its construction. These funds...
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Davis Road is Now Complete!

This TE Funded project for the City of Stockbridge is now complete.  Falcon Design Consultants provided both construction administration and right of way plans for Davis Road. Also included in the scope of services were preparation of an RFP, and managing the pre-bid process.  This includes preparation of all specifications and contract documents as well...
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