Water Systems

Phase-1 Cochran Water System Rehabilitation (GEFA Funded $2.5 Million):
FDC provided project management services and general administrative duties, developed three comprehensive sets of engineering plans and specifications which included base maps, quality take-offs, field verification of sanitary sewer lines and manhole evaluation to determine which were to be rehabilitated. Construction administration and observation as need during construction.
City of Cochran Digital Water Meter Replacement Program:
$1.2M replacement of 2500 residential and commercial water meters with backflow prevention. FDC provided new meter reading equipment/software and training of City staff.
City of Stockbridge Water Line Replacement and Realignment:
$100K replacement of 6″ water main to avoid conflict with other utilities and new ditch profiles.
City of Fairburn Water Line Mapping:
FDC provided GIS survey and mapping of existing water system and appurtenances within the City limits.